Water Mission Saves Lives in Ukraine with Support from FedEx

It’s been just over two years since the Russian military invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022.  Although fighting continues at an alarming rate, the world’s attention has been drawn to additional emergent humanitarian crises. Much less is reported about this ongoing war, yet the struggle to find water, food, shelter, and safety remains a daily challenge for more than 14 million people

As aid funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is diminishing and many organizations are leaving Ukraine, Water Mission remains committed to strengthening efforts to provide safe water to people in need.  Thanks to the ongoing cash and in-kind transportation support from FedEx, nearly 100,000 people in more than 200 communities in southeastern Ukraine have access to lifesaving safe water. Water Mission has more than 70 safe water systems established, including a mix of fixed and mobile safe water systems. As the war continues, the demand for safe water will increase.

Water Mission faces the challenge of a constantly changing situation in Ukraine. While some areas are starting to recover, others are still under attack. The organization is working to ensure a sustainable water supply for the long term, collaborating with local government and other NGOs. They also emphasize having Ukrainians operate the water systems, building strength and resilience within the communities.